
Akkana Peck's excellent Hitchhiker's Guide to the Moon is primarily a detailed lunar observation project based on Rukl's Atlas of the Moon, with a very clever Java Script front-end. It is a co-operative excercise, so you are encouraged to submit your own notes.

Danny Caes provides further observations based on the same, definitive work in Browsing Through Rükl's Atlas. Look for the link to "Rükl".

In Day in the Life of the Moon, Jane Houston Jones guides you through a month of lunar observations in a similar way to Inconstant Moon, but in a far more compact style.

To build your basic knowledge, try BOCES Elementary Moon Activities. Then, once you know your way around you might like to try an observing challenge: Phil Sacco's Lunatix Project sets a variety of challenges each month for a year. To earn the Astronomical League Lunar Club Certificate and pin you need to observe 100 features - some by naked eye, some with binoculars and some with a telescope.

The Robinson Lunar Observatory provides a wealth of information for the lunar astronomer, including details of the intriguing sunrise and sunset rays.

For eclipse observation, the Eclipse Home Page is a comprehensive guide by Fred Espenak of the Goddard Space Flight Center. Also highly recommended are Olivier Staiger's High Moon and the Calwell Lunar Observatory. To calculate the circumstances of an eclipse from any location, try the U.S. Naval Observatory's Lunar Eclipse Computer.

Khalid Shaukat's Moonsighting is a very impressive guide to locating the Moon's first slender crescent phase.